> On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 09:17:02PM +0100, markus schnalke wrote:
>[2011-12-04 21:35] Roger <rogerx.oss_AT_gmail.com>
>> Checking memory usage between XFCE4 and DWM, I find XFCE4 uses only ~30MB more then DWM.
>> 100MB - DWM + Xorg
>> 130MB - XFCE4
>I'm a bit confused: Doesn't XFCE set on top of Xorg?
>Could someone please explain.
~100MB - DWM + Xorg
~130MB - XFCE4 + Xorg
I, of course, already mentioned I forgot to isolate Xorg and as such, included
my other cli applications within the memory count.
Received on Mon Dec 05 2011 - 22:25:47 CET