Re: [dev] [surf] patch printing https failure reasons

From: Nick <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:09:57 +0100

This patch prints HTTPS failure reasons to stderr.

Quoth Nick:
> It would be a lot more useful if there was a way of seeing reasons
> for https failure, but that isn't really do-able with libsoup. I
> recommend not verifying this for yourself, lest your eyes melt in
> the 'majesty' of libsoup.

I decided to verify this, and found I was wrong, at least with newer
versions of libsoup. This patch will only work with libsoup-2.34 and
up. Which I don't have, so it's untested, and may well not quite
work. If someone could test it, that'd be swell. I don't know of a
good way of checking the libsoup version number, so unless someone
else does we should probably not merge for a while (maybe when the
next release of Debian comes along.)

I'm not sure what a good interface for showing https errors would
be. Printing to stderr isn't too great for something like a browser,
as I wouldn't expect people to have the terminal it was run from
around. Having more than 2 colours for the status bar to represent
statuses is pretty unusable too. Anybody have any thoughts on a sane
approach? Maybe a string of text in the bottom right corner of the

Love from Nick

Received on Mon Jul 16 2012 - 12:09:57 CEST

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