Re: [dev] syntog - toggle synaptics touchpad

From: Peter A. Shevtsov <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 10:04:29 +0700

On 25/12/12 at 09:51pm, Chris Hall wrote:
> if you have synclient installed then enabling is synclient TouchpadOff=0
> and disabling is synclient TouchpadOff=1
> you can read the state via synclient -l
> I have a few lines of sh bound to mod-n to toggle.
> I really don't think this needs to be written in c considering it is
> just a few lines of sh,
> I guess if you really don't want synclient installed then maybe yours
> is advantageous.
> ~cjh

Oh, bljad! Are you serious?! Go on and tell Christoph (aka 20h) that xssstate is
redundant in your perfect world where xautolock and xidle exists! Oh, and dwmstatus
is also redundant, it can be replaced with just a few lines of shell magic.

The main aim of writing syntog was to improve my C skills, but it seems that you,
hipsters, aren't able to read C code.
Received on Wed Dec 26 2012 - 04:04:29 CET

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