On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 14:29:27 +0200
koneu <koneu93_AT_googlemail.com> wrote:
> There's a difference between "healthy tempered" and "offensive".
> Temper is a good thing. But mailing lists are the wrong place for being offensive. And you are being offensive. There is also a thing called manners, and you don't have any.
> Your link to Linus' temper outbreak doesn't back your argument either. He usually has a reason. Unlike you. I actually love reading Linus' outbreaks (can learn quite alot from them), but I hate yours.
> And just because the genius of the last century can't hold his temper about an argument he is definitely right at, doesn't mean some FRIGN can run around and behave like him whenever he feels he should be right about something.
> Thanks.
Hi koneu,
maybe you should get the joke first.
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Thu Oct 10 2013 - 13:44:56 CEST