[dev] [ANNOUNCE] togs-0.3 (was stem)

From: Ross Mohn <rpmohn_AT_waxandwane.org>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:25:18 -0500


I've renamed stem to togs so that it no longer conflicts with the Tor
stem project, https://stem.torproject.org/ . I'm hopeful that the new
togs name will work and will not cause too much agitation.

In order to keep your settings the same:
    1) exit out of all current stem sessions
    2) mv ~/.stem ~/.togs
    3) mv ~/.togs/stemrc ~/.togs/togsrc

Togs remains a small shell script (sloccount<200) that combines dvtm,
the console based tiling window manager, with the dtach utility to
create an easy to use and powerful terminal emulation manager with the
ability to Toggle between Sessions. You can run many sessions
simultaneously, disconnect and leave them running in the background,
connect to them again later, even allow others to attach for
collaboration or training purposes.



Ross Palmer Mohn
Received on Thu Nov 14 2013 - 19:25:18 CET

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