Since a long time I have been using gimp on Windows and Linux.
Gimp on Linux is rather ok, but on Linux, the portable version and the
2.8.10 are very slow, which limits drastically the use.
On an usb installation, gimp might be quite slow, unfortunately.
Well, in comparison, dwm is a great achievement. Few/limited number of
lines of code which give one of the best wm.
It shall be the same for the design of a lightweight, well - coded,
photo editor application. Gimp has become quite heavy to install and
particularly slow on some systems.
I still have no idea in which direction it might go, i.e. how it may looking.
What would be important, but still keeping lite, is to have a support
for moving several layers (images,...) on the top of each.
In any cases:
It cannot be worst and heavy weight than GIMP.
You need fortran, .net, perl, ruby, python... for a single application? ;) :)
With C or alternatively C++, we've got all we need.
I wish you a good day/evening.
Received on Mon Dec 02 2013 - 17:54:11 CET