[dev] dmenu-based clipboard manager

From: Chris Down <chris_AT_chrisdown.name>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 18:45:17 +0800

In case it interests anyone, I wrote a clipboard manager based around

Run clipmenud to start collecting data from the clipboard, and then run
clipmenu to select which one you want to put on the clipboard again. You
can pass arguments to dmenu transparently by passing them to clipmenu.

There are probably bugs. I have not tested in exotic environments. I
copy and paste to both PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD right now at the same time
because I think segregated X selection management is horrible and wrong.
It is possible I will allow specifying the selection to use in a later

[0]: https://github.com/cdown/clipmenu

Received on Wed Feb 05 2014 - 11:45:17 CET

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