Re: [dev][dwm] Systray and hipchat

From: Eric Pruitt <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 18:57:11 -0800

On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 09:40:56AM +0300, Yury Shvedov wrote:
> Yep! Sometimes I have the same glitches but It doesn't hurt me. But
> absence of an icon any time the client runs distress me. I have not
> much time to investigate this too but when I will, I would look to
> the code of something like trayer or stalonetray as an example.

I figured out how to get rid of the phantom icons -- I added this block
inside the SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK conditional:

    if (!(c->win = cme->data.l[2])) {

I haven't figured out how to fix the issue with icons not updating yet,
but that only ever seems to happen for me if I launch Pidgin and there
are no other icons in the tray yet. When you use hipchat then launch
another application that uses the systray, does the icon appear?

Received on Sat Mar 07 2015 - 03:57:11 CET

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