On Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:52:59 -0200
Marc Collin <marc.collin7_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Marc,
> There's an ongoing discussion on designing a suckless bignum library
> here: http://bbs.progrider.org/prog/read/1447711906
> Drop in when you have some time to discuss it.
> Have a nice one.
I'm already half-done with a suckless bignum-library. thanks for
pointing to the thread, but these guys are mostly talk and no do.
I bet the day when they reach consensus I'm going to offer
enterprise support for my then done bignum-library.
On a serious note, the only thing stopping me from finishing
the library in a short timeframe is the fact that I've got a lot
of other things to do.
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Tue Nov 17 2015 - 21:11:34 CET