[dev] svmidi - a simple virtual midi keyboard (WIP)

From: Henrique N. Lengler <henriqueleng_AT_openmailbox.org>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 20:45:34 -0300


In my vacation I programmed a simple virtual midi keyboard,
as a alternative to programs like VMPK, wich only supports
ALSA, and depends on GTK;
My free time ended, and there is still a few features to be
implemented and bugs to be corrected in the software, but it
is doing well.

The biggest missing feature is ALSA support, which I can't do
since I have no linux box, but might be extremely simple task.
Once the support is added, the software can be quite useful, in
such a small piece of code.

I know it is not good to share incomplete work, but I'm just
doing it to let people know that there is work done in some area,
avoiding duplicated work.

The code is here:

But please, Don't expect too much from it, it is very simple and
like this it should be.

Henrique N. Lengler
Received on Wed Apr 06 2016 - 01:45:34 CEST

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