Re: [dev] [st] broken xft fallback with point size

From: Amer <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 21:03:58 +0300

> Supporting fallback fonts doesn't mean it supports passing comma
> separated list of fonts as parameter (either command line or compile
> time). Maybe if it's not mentioned in the man is because it doesn't
> work that way.

Thanks, my misunderstanding is cleared now.
I applied the ideology used in many other X apps and didn't noticed
st actually used my font.conf and ignored additions in config.def.h.
Not until it occasionally crashed with my new changes.

So st fallback is regulated only through system-wide fontconfig,
and contains no additional tweaks in st itself.
Thanks everyone, no need to continue:)
Received on Tue Apr 19 2016 - 20:03:58 CEST

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