[dev] how to view the output of st -o some_file? particularly with less

From: Britton Kerin <britton.kerin_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 11:29:41 -0800

it comes out with lots of sequences like for example in here:

<EF>[31m$<EF>[0m ls<EF><EF><EF>[0m<EF>[01;34marchive<EF>[0m/

This is apparently different that what is produced by the script
command (which both cat on an st terminal and the less program render
with colors). I looked for less -r -R etc. things that might make it
work but nothing I could figure out did it

Sorry I don't know much about color thingies.

What I'm really looking to do is replace scrollback in gnome-terminal
which I miss. I figured I'd just make a log for each st and maybe
bind the mouse wheel to start it or something :)

I'm really loving the suckless thing thanks all

Received on Sat May 28 2016 - 21:29:41 CEST

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