I believe this topic has been discuss before.
Perhaps not on the mailing list, but it should
be somewhere to find.
It should be possible, put it requires that
both the terminal and the graphical program
is written especially to support it. Perhaps
this is a feature we should push Wayland to
standardise. I don't think there is any X
applications that does support this.
On Sat, 25 Jun 2016 10:48:47 -0300
Marc Collin <marc.collin7_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey suckless.
> How's everyone doing on this weekend?
> Yesterday I came across a video about Plan 9 [0] and
> something got my attention. When the user opens a
> graphical program from the terminal, no new window is
> created. Instead, the graphical program "takes over" the
> terminal. This made me realize how inconsistent standard
> Linux is. If you open a curses program from the terminal
> for example, the curses program takes over. But if you
> open an Xlib program for example, a new window instance
> is created. In Plan 9, both text and graphical programs
> take over.
> Is there any way to get this behavior on standard Linux
> with suckless tools (dwm, st, etc)?
> Thanks.
> [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a02IUvg-js
Received on Sat Jun 25 2016 - 16:05:28 CEST