Re: [dev] I wrote a pager

From: <>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 18:55:43 +0200

Greg Reagle <> wrote:

> Thanks to all who gave feedback. I made a few enhancements. Hopefully
> they're not bloat. I think it has significantly better functionality
> for only several more SLOC. Once again, looking for feedback. Also, do
> you suckless maintainers want to put this into sbase?
> It tries to get the size of the screen from environment variables LINES
> and COLUMNS and from ioctl() which overrides environment variables.
> It keeps track of lines longer than screen width and compensates to not
> overflow the screen; however it does so in a naive way of considering
> every byte a column (printing character). This works well for ASCII
> characters, but for utf8 is imperfect, but errs on the side of
> displaying not enough per page rather than too much per page.
> Someone asked about how it deals with binary files. It doesn't have any
> particular algorithm for dealing with binary files. On my system
> (Debian), it deals fine with binary files in that it doesn't
> malfunction. It does make the terminal beep though (I guess from BELL
> characters). It basically has the same behavior is cat-ing a binary
> file on my system, but does it one page at a time.
> #!/usr/bin/tcc -run
> #include <errno.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <sys/ioctl.h>
> int
> main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> unsigned short page_lines = 23, page_cols = 80;
> int line_count, col_count;
> int ch, env_num;
> char* env_string;
> FILE *tty;
> struct winsize ws;
> if (env_string = getenv("LINES")) {
> env_num = strtol(env_string, NULL, 10);
> if (env_num > 0) page_lines = env_num - 1;
> }
> if (env_string = getenv("COLUMNS")) {
> env_num = strtol(env_string, NULL, 10);
> if (env_num > 0) page_cols = env_num;
> }
> if ((tty = fopen("/dev/tty", "r")) == NULL) {
> perror("Error opening /dev/tty");
> return(errno);
> }
> if (!ioctl(fileno(tty), TIOCGWINSZ, &ws)) {
> page_lines = ws.ws_row - 1;
> page_cols = ws.ws_col;
> }
> ch = getchar();
> for (line_count = 0, col_count = 1; ch != EOF; ++col_count) {
> putchar(ch);
> if (ch == '\n' || col_count >= page_cols) {
> ++line_count;
> col_count = 0;
> if (line_count >= page_lines) {
> while (fgetc(tty) != '\n') ;
> line_count = 0;
> }
> }
> ch = getchar();
> }
> fclose(tty);
> return(0);
> }

Maybe I'm a bit late for the party, but I think that
could be another alternative for a suckless pager.

Possible advantages: more features, like scrolling back and going to the beginning/end of the
file (some might argue that this is something the terminal multiplexer is for, I disagree), and
applying numerical multipliers to commands. Searching is planned.

Possible disadvantages: does not deal with arbitrary length lines or files, uses queue.h and
malloc for each line for saving the file contents (which is kinda slow) and is overall still
a bit buggy.

But basically, this pager seems suckless too. What is your opinion on this?


Received on Sat Sep 17 2016 - 18:55:43 CEST

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