Re: [dev] (academic) reading suggestions associated to the minimalist/suckless design philosophy?

From: Laslo Hunhold <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 15:18:22 +0200

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:42:36 +0200
Jens Staal <> wrote:

Dear Jens,

> Do you have any reading suggestions (preferably academic papers, but
> books might also work) in alignment with the "suckless
> philosophy" (or "minimalism"). It does not have to be specifically
> programming, it could also be engineering and design in general (art
> might be a stretch, but if you know some good litterature in that
> field I am open to that too).

classic books are "The C Programming Language", and more prominently,
"The Unix Programming Evironment". The biggest impact on me though
probably had reading some bloated GNU software code and finding out how
simple it was to implement an equivalent solution without bloat.

You can always read about an experience, but nothing replaces the
experience itself.

With best regards


Laslo Hunhold <>
Received on Sat Jun 30 2018 - 15:18:22 CEST

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