Re: [dev] JFS filesystem

From: Daniel Cegiełka <>
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 15:37:36 +0200

niedz., 21 kwi 2019 o 15:24 Joseph Graham <> napisał(a):
> > In fact, in many filesystems there are very weak – or no! – guarantees that
> > the data you're reading is actually correct. Systems like ext4 simply assume
> > that the data written to the disk will never change. AFAIK, it has
> > essentially no mechanism at all to deal with silent data corruption.
> It's not fair to say there's "no mechanism at all to deal with silent
> data corruption". The hard-disk/ssd does checksum every block. If a block
> fails a checksum the disk keeps trying until it reads a block that
> matches the checksum, else gives up with a read-error.
> So really it's a matter of whether you trust your drives to do their
> job correctly.

If we want data integrity, then checks should also be done for memory:

but these are completely different stuff - I don't think you implement
this type of thing on your small home server.

> --
> Joseph Graham; a tech-rights advocate, an Englishman and a Catholic.
Received on Sun Apr 21 2019 - 15:37:36 CEST

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