[dev] surf ephemeral not switching(?)

From: Viktor Grigorov <vlg_AT_tutamail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 22:56:34 +0200 (CEST)


Usually I clean out ~/.surf/cache/localstorage for all but 2 sites. I found out the emphemeral option could acomplish just that, and setting up peruri options with all 3 permutations (each being same priority) turned out to not work. It's either on, or off, as evidenced by the files being created or not, and the userscript not accessing (or not being able to access) the locally stored settings in the above dir. I make'd surf with a new keyboard command to toggle ephemeral, but to no avail. 
Am I missing something, or is this unexpected behavior?
Received on Fri Oct 22 2021 - 22:56:34 CEST

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