Re: [dev] [DEV][Quark] Big problem

From: Hiltjo Posthuma <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 16:02:20 +0100

On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 09:50:42AM -0500, wrote:
> Hello.
> Before I start, I want to clarify 2 things:
> 1. I'm not 100% sure if it's a Quark problem, but there are like 2/4th
> chance that it is.
> 2. I'm hosting my site over the Tor network
> Problem I have: software runs, can access it from localhost via curl, but
> cannot access it from Tor
> What happens when I try to access it from Tor? it seems to connect,
> but 0 bytes get transmited
> wtf it suddendly started working
> usually the fix is NOT restarting Tor, but restarting the jail and
> with it - Quark.. but it works via curl, which is confusing..
> Not sure if Quark problem or Tor problem
> In Quark log I get a message 'dropped'
> I'd like to know if there's something I can do, like what key-words to
> look in Tor's logs
> Also to mention: I am getting DDoS-ed for days now xD
> I don't see any excessive CPU or memory usage, really - one of reasons
> I use Quark and a static web-site
> The main reason I think it's Quark's problem: restarting a FreeBSD jail
> with Quark running makes everything work again. This is also why I said
> 2/4 - 1/4 is Tor possible faulty, and the last 1/4 is perhaps something to
> do with FreeBSD jails.
> The reason I thikn it's not Quark's problem: I can access it well with
> curl on localhost lol
> I also wonder what "- dropped -" means.. and why is there no local
> interface IP address (the 1st '-')?
> I helped with the logging to files with Quark bug, now I hope someone can
> help me with this.


Have you tried watching the TOP 10 Quark Life Hacks video to solve the BIG

Hope this helps and you'll get out of jail soon,

Kind regards,
Received on Sat Feb 25 2023 - 16:02:20 CET

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