Re: [dev][Quark] Big problem

From: Jeremy <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 01:19:56 -0700

Hi Fossy Dnmx,

I'm re-opening this thread & I'm Hoping your health has returned.

I want to say "cd ~; httpd" & then see everything in ~ from my Web
Browser on port 8080.

This is hard & I can't figure out all of these http servers recommended

"permission denied becuase of chroot" and then say when run as
root, "refusing to run as root". which makes me start to question things.

I did this instead:
curl |
        cc -x c -o ./darkhttpd

And it works flawlessly and intinuitively. it does what I want to do
(`./darkhttpd ~/.local/bin`).

I sympathize with your socket connections closing unexpectedly.

Darkhttpd should work for your usecase on the Darkweb, without
the scheduler mangling all your socket connections. darkhttpd uses select
which I personally. am against bc I struggle to ever remember which
arguments goes where, so actually I don't recommend darkhttpd anymore.

So In closing, i prefer fork/dup for a lot of things, and the
Processses are just goroutines under the hood anyway & so Fork/dup
is light-weight.


On 02/26/23 03:36PM, wrote:
> By the way, are there connections being made to Quark that aren't logged,
> like some sort of silent handling?
> I am trying to come up with possible answer without reading code lol is fun.
> Like how does it drop connection after only 3 connections? I restarted the
> jail, which is like a computer restart, memory should be reset..
Received on Mon Jun 03 2024 - 10:19:56 CEST

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