[dev] About xorg and mesa

From: stefan11111 <stefan11111_AT_shitposting.expert>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 16:54:36 +0000

Hi dev_AT_ list.

Writing a bit about the situation with xorg and mesa when using the
nvidia proprietary drivers.

I am using an nvidia gpu with the proprietary drivers, on xorg.
I use the proprietary drivers, because I found that the nouveau drivers
don't really work too well.

When using the nvidia proprietary drivers on xorg, mesa is often pulled
in as an aditional dependency.
This dependency is not needed, because, by design, the proprietary
drivers don't use mesa, instead re-implementing everything in mesa.

The reason this is the case is because xorg, when build with glx, needs
a single header from the mesa project,
and checks for a pkg-config file also provided by mesa.

IMO, building all of mesa just for one single header is not the best of

See this issue on the xorg gitlab for more context:

For those who can't/don't want to open the above link and read the
posts, this is what I use to avoid building mesa:


COMMON_FLAGS="-O3 -pipe -march=native -fno-stack-protector 
-ftree-vectorize -ffast-math -funswitch-loops -fuse-linker-plugin -flto 
-fdevirtualize-at-ltrans -fno-plt -fno-semantic-interposition 
-falign-functions=64 -fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize"
USE="-* git verify-sig rsync-verify man alsa X grub ssl ipv6 lto 
libressl olde-gentoo asm native-symlinks threads jit jumbo-build minimal 
strip system-man"
INSTALL_MASK="/etc/systemd /lib/systemd /usr/lib/systemd 
/usr/lib/modules-load.d /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d *tmpfiles* /var/lib/dbus 
/lib/udev /usr/share/icons /usr/share/applications 
Received on Tue Sep 03 2024 - 18:54:36 CEST

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