diff ../../dmenu2/dmenu/dmenu.1 ./dmenu.1 22a23,24 > .RB [ \-w > .IR width ] 71a74,76 > .TP > .BI \-w " width" > sets width of the menu in pixels diff ../../dmenu2/dmenu/dmenu.c ./dmenu.c 52a53 > static unsigned int width = 0; 102a104,105 > else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-w")) /* changes menu width */ > width = atoi(argv[++i]); 572c575 < mw = info[i].width; --- > mw = width > 0 ? width : info[i].width; 580c583 < mw = DisplayWidth(dc->dpy, screen); --- > mw = width > 0 ? width : DisplayWidth(dc->dpy, screen); 608c611 < " [-nb color] [-nf color] [-sb color] [-sf color] [-v]\n", stderr); --- > " [-nb color] [-nf color] [-sb color] [-sf color] [-w width] [-v]\n", stderr);