[dwm] horizontal/vertical layout

From: Julian Romero <julian.romero+dwm_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 02:03:13 +0200

to make easier the transition (home-work) between a 16:9 monitor and a
4:3 one, I've added the possibility to distribute clients in a

| | |
|master |slave |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |

or horizontal
| | |
|master |-----+
| | |
|-------| |
| |-----|
|slave | |


See patch for 0.5 here

With Mod1-t key itt's possible to toggle between both modes.
Mod1-b and Mod1-n makes master window bigger or narrower.

As soon as I figure out how to make the layout sticky to tags I'll do it.

best regards,

Received on Fri Jul 28 2006 - 02:03:15 UTC

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