Re: [dwm] dwm-0.9 / dmenu-0.4

From: Ross Mohn <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:37:05 -0400

On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 10:32 +0200, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
> Hi there,
> I created new releases:
> The config.h format has not changed in 0.9, however some
> functions have been renamed which are referenced by some default
> shortcuts. I recommend to vimdiff your config.h with
> config.default.h. Note that the default config.h uses
> Mod1-[Shift-]Tab for cycling among terminals (my own config
> uses j/k instead).
> There are several improvements/changes in 0.9 compared to 0.8:
> - there is no action to switch to prev/next tag anymore, because
> there is no such thing anymore
> - tags can be toggled now on the fly through right-clicking a
> tag label or pressen Mod1-Control-[n], this allows merging
> clients with different tags into the current view, new clients
> will inherit all active tags
> - floating clients will always stay in front if in tiled mode
> dwm and dmenu seem to be feature complete now. I only plan bug
> fixes in the future.

Very nice work!

Attached is my patch so that I can use MODKEY-o to toggle the
orientation like so:

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It may not be the most efficient patch, but my goal was to have a
_small_ patch.
Cheers! -RPM

Received on Tue Aug 15 2006 - 17:37:11 UTC

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