Re: [dwm] dwm stealing input

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 13:33:26 +0200

On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 08:47:56PM +0930, Stephen Caraher wrote:
> { 0, 0x1008ff12, spawn, { .cmd = "if amixer get PCM,0|grep \"\\[on\\]\" - > /dev/null; then amixer set PCM,0 mute > /dev/null; else amixer set PCM,0 unmute > /dev/null; fi" } }, \
> { 0 , 0x1008ff11, spawn, { .cmd = "amixer set PCM,0 1-" } }, \
> { 0 , 0x1008ff13, spawn, { .cmd = "amixer set PCM,0 1+" } }, \
> { 0 , 0x1008ff14, spawn, { .cmd = "mocp --toggle-pause" } }, \
> { 0 , 0x1008ff16, spawn, { .cmd = "mocp --previous" } }, \
> { 0 , 0x1008ff17, spawn, { .cmd = "mocp --next" } }, \

I suspect those lines are not really what you want. 0 is not
AnyModifier and it might cause your problems. Use AnyModifier
instead (1<<15). Also, your special key definitions look rather
long, even if KeySym is defined as XID which is a long value,
but normal KeySym definitions are < 0x0000ffff - your defs
could cause random behavior if the Xlib implementation makes
unsafe type casts, so be careful and use the XK_ definitions
instead (check with xev which key symbol is reported when
pressing those special keys).

And next time recheck such behavior with the default config.h
first, to make sure it is not related to your config.h.


 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Thu Oct 26 2006 - 13:33:26 UTC

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