Re: [dwm] Applying fibonacci or golden ratio to tile()?

From: Damjan Vrencur <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:33:14 +0200


I think this is generally a nice idea. However, I would rather see this
only on master area.

I usually mainly focus on clients on master area. Clients on stack area are
there either for monitoring something or are waiting to get focus (via
moving to them and Alt-Enter-ing) and are thus equally (un)important.

One thing to consider is also that if stack area would be arranged
unequally-like, there will sooner or later be a need for function(ality) to
alter positions of clients within stack area, not affecting the master

My proposal:

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 Damjan Vrenčur <~> <~> GPG key: C6A3146F
Received on Sat Jul 28 2007 - 22:33:16 UTC

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