Re: [dwm] dzen replacing dwm status bar

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:52:53 +0100

On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 08:30:40AM -0500, Ross Mohn wrote:
> I'm interested in replacing the right hand side of the dwm status bar
> with dzen. Has someone already worked out best practices for doing this?
> One issues I've run into is the dynamic width of the text printed. For
> example, if I'm piping text into a dzen process and the number of
> characters printed expands, how can I make the dzen window expand? I'm
> sure there are other ways to approach dzen issues and I'd love to see
> some examples in terms of actual placement, etc.

In my opinion, just decrease the 'wah' area and use dzen in the
opposite position of the dwm bar on the screen (eg at the


 Anselm R. Garbe >< >< GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Fri Dec 21 2007 - 12:52:53 UTC

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