Re: [dwm] [PATCH] Xft support for dmenu

From: Antoni Grzymala <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 00:49:28 +0100

Alexander Polakov dixit (2008-02-10, 02:41):

> > Yeah. Thanks, it helped me with some Czech characters in UTF-8. Only one
> > (rather cosmetic) flaw is that with your patch dmenu is little bit
> > higher.
> >
> Thanks for the feedback. I noticed the height issue myself, but don't
> know how to fix it. With some fonts it gets *really* huge (:
> Is there any Xft gurus around?
> PS. the same quick and dirty hack for dwm

Hope these patches don't spark a discussion like once with ArchLinux and
ion3 :).

The previous email made me wonder, as I always thought I don't have
problems with displaying UTF-8 characters with the bitmat font (given
correct encoding, like: -misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1, but
I just checked and in fact it does *not* work, so maybe it's a subject
that should be looked into in mainline dwm/dmenu code.



Received on Sun Feb 10 2008 - 00:49:37 UTC

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