Re: [dwm] beta dwm-5.0

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 13:42:23 +0200

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 01:14:21PM +0200, pancake wrote:
> > Apart from the consideration if I will add keyboard-driven
> > floating client resizals (haven't decided yet, due the lack of
> > demand for this, but if it will be introduced, I consider using
> > the arrow keys as shortcuts for this) I ask you to heavily test
> > hg tip now, because it is in a state which I consider beta and
> > which won't change a lot.
> why alt+click(middle_button) is now swapping the floating attribute?
> Isn't suposed to be for zooming?

That's a consistency change. It dates back when I tried to keep
all tile-related stuff in tile.c and hence there was no function
call from dwm core functionality to zoom. Recently I integrated
the functions from tile.c again into dwm.c, so I'm open to
change this back if there is more demand to do so.


 Anselm R. Garbe >< >< GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Mon May 26 2008 - 13:42:23 UTC

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