Re: [dwm] Suckess Code Management

From: Christoph Schied <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:57 +0100

Amit Uttamchandani wrote:

> 4. Calendar/Todo - calcurse
i will checkout this one, thanks :)

As I only work on private projects, I dont have a bugtracker etc.

1. window manager - dwm (of course :P )
2. shell and file manager - zsh
3. text editor - vim (scripts: camelcasemotion, code_complete) i use the
tabbing and splitting feature extensive
4. src management - git
5. mail - thunderbird ( :((( )
6. chat - pidgin and irssi
7. terminal - urxvt (i dont like urxvtd because it was hanging sometimes)
8. music - turntables and mpd/sonata
9. build - make
10. debugger - gdb (i only use it in rare cases and dont know much about it)
11. personal wiki - zim (dont like it though, still want to write a clone)
12. file search - grep
13. feed reader - liferea (primary distraction from work)

I dont use a terminal manager because I haven't many terms open (at
least on my coding tag), thats what i use dwm for. I mostly use the
monocle layout because I dont have a big screen (1280x800 on 12").
Received on Thu Mar 12 2009 - 08:11:57 UTC

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