[hackers] [ubase][PATCH] Add vmstat

From: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2019 10:50:29 +0200

Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
 Makefile |   1 +
 TODO     |   2 +-
 vmstat.c | 321 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 vmstat.c
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b526421..e1dab9b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
_AT_@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ BIN = \
 	umount            \
 	unshare           \
 	uptime            \
+	vmstat            \
 	vtallow           \
 	watch             \
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 21f5c20..6dd69d3 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
_AT_@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ tabs
+vmstat [-sdDpS]
diff --git a/vmstat.c b/vmstat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d97ee10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vmstat.c
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "util.h"
+struct vm {
+	intmax_t cpu_user;
+	intmax_t cpu_nice;
+	intmax_t cpu_system;
+	intmax_t cpu_idle;
+	intmax_t cpu_iowait;
+	intmax_t cpu_irq;
+	intmax_t cpu_softirq;
+	intmax_t cpu_steal;
+	intmax_t cpu_guest;
+	intmax_t cpu_guest_nice;
+	intmax_t cpu_unknown;
+	intmax_t page_in;
+	intmax_t page_out;
+	intmax_t swap_in;
+	intmax_t swap_out;
+	intmax_t intr;
+	intmax_t ctxt_switches;
+	intmax_t processes;
+	intmax_t proc_running;
+	intmax_t proc_blocked;
+	intmax_t mem_free;
+	intmax_t buffers;
+	intmax_t cached;
+	intmax_t active;
+	intmax_t inactive;
+	intmax_t swap_total;
+	intmax_t swap_free;
+	intmax_t sreclaimable;
+static intmax_t kb_per_page;
+static intmax_t hz;
+static int
+stpstarts(char *str, const char *head, char **end)
+	size_t n = strlen(head);
+	if (!strncmp(str, head, n)) {
+		*end = &str[n];
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static intmax_t
+read_ints(const char *s, intmax_t *arr, size_t n)
+	const char *beginning = s;
+	intmax_t rest = 0;
+	size_t tmp;
+	int negative;
+	memset(arr, 0, n * sizeof(*arr));
+	for (; n--; arr++) {
+		while (*s && !isdigit(*s))
+			s++;
+		negative = (s != beginning && s[-1] == '-');
+		while (isdigit(*s))
+			*arr = *arr * 10 + (*s++ - '0');
+		if (negative)
+			*arr = -*arr;
+	}
+	for (; *s; rest += tmp) {
+		tmp = 0;
+		while (*s && !isdigit(*s))
+			s++;
+		negative = (s != beginning && s[-1] == '-');
+		while (isdigit(*s))
+			tmp = tmp * 10 + (*s++ - '0');
+		if (negative)
+			tmp = -tmp;
+	}
+	return rest;
+static void
+load_vm(struct vm *s)
+	static intmax_t debt = 0;
+	int have_page = 0, have_swap = 0;
+	char *line = NULL, *p;
+	size_t size = 0;
+	ssize_t len;
+	FILE *fp;
+	memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
+	fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
+	if (!fp)
+		eprintf("fopen /proc/stat:");
+	while ((len = getline(&line, &size, fp)) >= 0) {
+		if (stpstarts(line, "cpu ", &p)) {
+			s->cpu_unknown = read_ints(p, &s->cpu_user, 10);
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "page ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->page_in, 2);
+			have_page = 1;
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "swap ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->swap_in, 2);
+			have_swap = 1;
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "intr ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->intr, 1);
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "ctxt ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->ctxt_switches, 1);
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "processes ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->processes, 1);
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "proc_running ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->proc_running, 1);
+		} else if (stpstarts(line, "proc_blocked ", &p)) {
+			read_ints(p, &s->proc_blocked, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (ferror(fp))
+		eprintf("getline /proc/stat:");
+	fclose(fp);
+	if (!have_page || !have_swap) {
+		fp = fopen("/proc/vmstat", "r");
+		if (!fp)
+			eprintf("fopen /proc/vmstat:");
+		while ((len = getline(&line, &size, fp)) >= 0) {
+			if (!have_page && stpstarts(line, "pgpgin ", &p))
+				read_ints(p, &s->page_in, 1);
+			else if (!have_page && stpstarts(line, "pgpgout ", &p))
+				read_ints(p, &s->page_out, 1);
+			else if (!have_swap && stpstarts(line, "pswpin ", &p))
+				read_ints(p, &s->swap_in, 1);
+			else if (!have_swap && stpstarts(line, "pswpout ", &p))
+				read_ints(p, &s->swap_out, 1);
+		}
+		if (ferror(fp))
+			eprintf("getline /proc/vmstat:");
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
+	if (!fp)
+		eprintf("fopen /proc/meminfo:");
+	while ((len = getline(&line, &size, fp)) >= 0) {
+		if (stpstarts(line, "MemFree:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->mem_free, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "Buffers:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->buffers, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "Cached:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->cached, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "Active:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->active, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "Inactive:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->inactive, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "SwapTotal:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->swap_total, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "SwapFree:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->swap_free, 1);
+		else if (stpstarts(line, "SReclaimable:", &p))
+			read_ints(p, &s->sreclaimable, 1);
+	}
+	if (ferror(fp))
+		eprintf("getline /proc/meminfo:");
+	fclose(fp);
+	/* yes, this is actually needed */
+	s->cpu_idle += debt;
+	debt = 0;
+	if (s->cpu_idle < 0) {
+		debt = s->cpu_idle;
+		s->cpu_idle = 0;
+	}
+	free(line);
+static void
+print_vm(struct vm *s1, struct vm *s0, int active_mem, int timestamp, int print_header)
+	struct vm s = *s1;
+	intmax_t ticks;
+	char timezone[21];
+	char timestr[21];
+	struct tm *tm;
+	time_t now;
+	size_t n;
+	ticks  = s.cpu_user       -= s0->cpu_user;
+	ticks += s.cpu_nice       -= s0->cpu_nice;
+	ticks += s.cpu_system     -= s0->cpu_system;
+	ticks += s.cpu_idle       -= s0->cpu_idle;
+	ticks += s.cpu_iowait     -= s0->cpu_iowait;
+	ticks += s.cpu_irq        -= s0->cpu_irq;
+	ticks += s.cpu_softirq    -= s0->cpu_softirq;
+	ticks += s.cpu_steal      -= s0->cpu_steal;
+	ticks += s.cpu_guest      -= s0->cpu_guest;
+	ticks += s.cpu_guest_nice -= s0->cpu_guest_nice;
+	ticks += s.cpu_unknown    -= s0->cpu_unknown;
+	s.processes         -= s0->processes;
+	s.intr              -= s0->intr;
+	s.ctxt_switches     -= s0->ctxt_switches;
+	s.page_in           -= s0->page_in;
+	s.page_out          -= s0->page_out;
+	s.cpu_user  += s.cpu_nice;
+	s.cpu_guest += s0->cpu_guest_nice;
+	s.cpu_idle  += !ticks;
+	ticks       += !ticks;
+	if (timestamp) {
+		now = time(NULL);
+		tm = localtime(&now);
+		strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
+		strftime(timezone, sizeof(timezone), "%Z", tm);
+		n = strlen(timezone) + 1;
+		memmove(&timezone[sizeof(timezone) - n], timezone, n);
+		memset(timezone, ' ', sizeof(timezone) - n);
+	}
+#define PERCENT(X) ((X) * 100 + ticks / 2) / ticks
+#define HERTZ(X)   ((X) * hz  + ticks / 2) / ticks
+	if (!print_header)
+		goto print;
+	printf("----procs---- -------------------memory------------------ ---swap-- -----io---- --system- --------------cpu--------------%s\n",
+	       timestamp ? " -----timestamp-----" : "");
+	printf(" r  b      fk       swpd       free      " "%s     "  "%s   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs  us  sy  id  wa  in  si  st  gt%s\n",
+	       active_mem ? "inact" :  " buff", active_mem ? "active" : " cache", timestamp ? timezone : "");
+	printf("%2ji %2ji %7ji %10ji "   "%10ji "    "%10ji "  "%10ji %4ji %4ji %5ji %5ji ""%4ji %4ji %3ji %3ji %3ji %3ji %3ji %3ji %3ji %3ji%s\n",
+	       s.proc_running, s.proc_blocked, s.processes,
+	       s.swap_total - s.swap_free, s.mem_free, active_mem ? s.inactive : s.buffers, active_mem ? s.active : s.cached  + s.sreclaimable,
+	       HERTZ(s.swap_in * kb_per_page), HERTZ(s.swap_out * kb_per_page),
+	       HERTZ(s.page_in), HERTZ(s.page_out),
+	       HERTZ(s.intr), HERTZ(s.ctxt_switches),
+	       PERCENT(s.cpu_user), PERCENT(s.cpu_system), PERCENT(s.cpu_idle),
+	       PERCENT(s.cpu_iowait), PERCENT(s.cpu_irq), PERCENT(s.cpu_softirq),
+	       PERCENT(s.cpu_steal), PERCENT(s.cpu_guest),
+	       timestamp ? timestr : "");
+#undef PERCENT
+#undef HERTZ
+static void
+	eprintf("usage: %s [-ant] [delay [count]]\n", argv0);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	static struct vm vm[2];
+	static struct timespec delay;
+	char *end;
+	double tmp;
+	unsigned long long int count = 0, i = 0;
+	int one_header = 0;
+	int active_mem = 0;
+	int timestamp = 0;
+	case 'a':
+		active_mem = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'n':
+		one_header = 1;
+		break;
+	case 't':
+		timestamp = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'w':
+		/* Ignored for compatibility (allow output to be wider then 80 columns) */
+		break;
+	default:
+		usage();
+	if (argc > 2)
+		usage();
+	kb_per_page = (intmax_t)(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) / 1024);
+	hz = (intmax_t)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+	if (argc) {
+		errno = 0;
+		tmp = strtod(argv[0], &end);
+		if (errno || *end || tmp <= 0)
+			eprintf("%s: not a valid positive number\n", argv[0]);
+		delay.tv_sec = (time_t)tmp;
+		tmp = (tmp - (double)delay.tv_sec) * 1000000000.;
+		delay.tv_nsec = (long int)tmp;
+		if (delay.tv_nsec > 999999999L)
+			delay.tv_nsec = 999999999L;
+		if (argc > 1)
+			count = (unsigned long long int)atoll(argv[1]);
+	}
+	goto beginning;
+	for (; argc && (argc < 2 || i < count); i++) {
+		clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, &delay, NULL);
+	beginning:
+		load_vm(&vm[i & 1]);
+		print_vm(&vm[i & 1], &vm[~i & 1], active_mem, timestamp, one_header ? !i : (i % 50 == 0));
+	}
+	return 0;
Received on Sat Oct 05 2019 - 10:50:29 CEST

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