Re: [hackers] [PATCH][sbase] paste: Allow null delim

From: Quentin Rameau <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:10:03 +0100

Hello all,

> Looking at POSIX, I see that `-d '\0'` must be supported, `-d ""` is
> unspecified

I don't think so, -d "" is just a list with an empty string.
So -d '\0' is equivalent to -d '', '\0' is here to let the user express
an empty string in a list, which wouldn't be possible otherwise (like
how would one specify empty string in a list like 'ab<empty-string>cd').

> and `-d""` is invalid, since paste(1) must follow the
> utility syntax guidelines (guideline 7).

Not sure what you mean there, -d"" is the concatenation of -d and '',
which is standard.
Did you quote the correct guideline? “Guideline 7: Option-arguments
should not be optional.” here there's an option-argument, that's an
empty string.
Received on Thu Mar 05 2020 - 10:10:03 CET

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