[wiki] [sites] wiki updated

From: <hg_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:44:02 +0000 (UTC)

changeset: 611:d420a5decec9
tag: tip
user: Aurélien Aptel <aurelien.aptel_AT_gmail.com>
date: Thu Aug 19 13:45:58 2010 +0200
files: st.suckless.org/index.md
added some documentation.

diff -r f8055a8c4c53 -r d420a5decec9 st.suckless.org/index.md
--- a/st.suckless.org/index.md Wed Aug 18 11:04:09 2010 +0100
+++ b/st.suckless.org/index.md Thu Aug 19 13:45:58 2010 +0200
_AT_@ -20,6 +20,82 @@
 too much for something as simple as a terminal emulator; it's yet another
 example of code complexity.
+Current state
+See the "[goals](http://st.suckless.org/goals)" section for a list of features that will (or won't) be implemented.
+* 256 colors
+* most VT10/x/ escape sequences
+* no multibyte encoding
+The configuration is done in `config.h` (like in dwm). You can define:
+* fonts
+* default colors
+* special key
+* line drawing characters. The VT100 name is used as an index in the `gfx` table. From terminfo(5):
+ Line Graphics
+ Many terminals have alternate character sets useful for forms-drawing.
+ Terminfo and curses build in support for the drawing characters sup-
+ ported by the VT100, with some characters from the AT&T 4410v1 added.
+ This alternate character set may be specified by the acsc capability.
+ Glyph ACS Ascii VT100
+ Name Name Default Name
+ UK pound sign ACS_STERLING f }
+ arrow pointing down ACS_DARROW v .
+ arrow pointing left ACS_LARROW < ,
+ arrow pointing right ACS_RARROW > +
+ arrow pointing up ACS_UARROW ^ -
+ board of squares ACS_BOARD # h
+ bullet ACS_BULLET o ~
+ checker board (stipple) ACS_CKBOARD : a
+ degree symbol ACS_DEGREE \ f
+ diamond ACS_DIAMOND + `
+ greater-than-or-equal-to ACS_GEQUAL > z
+ greek pi ACS_PI * {
+ horizontal line ACS_HLINE - q
+ lantern symbol ACS_LANTERN # i
+ large plus or crossover ACS_PLUS + n
+ less-than-or-equal-to ACS_LEQUAL < y
+ lower left corner ACS_LLCORNER + m
+ lower right corner ACS_LRCORNER + j
+ not-equal ACS_NEQUAL ! |
+ plus/minus ACS_PLMINUS # g
+ scan line 1 ACS_S1 ~ o
+ scan line 3 ACS_S3 - p
+ scan line 7 ACS_S7 - r
+ scan line 9 ACS_S9 _ s
+ solid square block ACS_BLOCK # 0
+ tee pointing down ACS_TTEE + w
+ tee pointing left ACS_RTEE + u
+ tee pointing right ACS_LTEE + t
+ tee pointing up ACS_BTEE + v
+ upper left corner ACS_ULCORNER + l
+ upper right corner ACS_URCORNER + k
+ vertical line ACS_VLINE | x
+Common Problems
+### 1. *random program* complains that st is unknown/not recognised/unsupported/whatever!
+It means that st doesn't have any terminfo entry on your
+system. Chances are you did not `make install`. If you just want to
+test it without installing it, you can manualy run `tic st.info` in st
+dir. It will compile st.info into a fully working local terminfo
+description in `~/.terminfo`. You can delete it when you're done.
+### 2. Nothing works, and nothing is said about an unknown terminal!
+* Some programs just assume they're running in xterm i.e. they don't rely on terminfo. What you see is the current state of the "xterm compliance".
+* Some programs don't complain about the lacking st description and default to another terminal. In that case see 1.
 * Mailing List: `dev+subscribe_AT_suckless.org` [(Archives)](http://lists.suckless.org/dev)
Received on Thu Aug 19 2010 - 15:44:02 CEST

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