[wiki] [sites] Added emoji highlights || The-Repo-Club
commit b41a8d27e1fa4fecfd474d60e72772e29d7c2ba4
Author: The-Repo-Club <wayne6324_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Sat May 22 19:04:43 2021 +0100
Added emoji highlights
diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.diff b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33a0074c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.diff
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
+index 1edb647..a4e775f 100644
+--- a/config.def.h
++++ b/config.def.h
+_AT_@ -4,18 +4,34 @@
+ static int topbar = 1; /* -b option; if 0, dmenu appears at bottom */
+ /* -fn option overrides fonts[0]; default X11 font or font set */
+ static const char *fonts[] = {
+- "monospace:size=10"
++ "monospace:size=10",
++ "FiraCode Nerd Font:size=12",
+ };
+ static const char *prompt = NULL; /* -p option; prompt to the left of input field */
+-static const char *colors[SchemeLast][2] = {
+- /* fg bg */
+- [SchemeNorm] = { "#bbbbbb", "#222222" },
+- [SchemeSel] = { "#eeeeee", "#005577" },
+- [SchemeOut] = { "#000000", "#00ffff" },
++static const char *colors[SchemeLast][11] = {
++ /* fg bg */
++ [SchemeNorm] = { "#bbbbbb", "#222222", "#222222" },
++ [SchemeSel] = { "#eeeeee", "#005577", "#005577" },
++ [SchemeOut] = { "#000000", "#00ffff", "#00ffff" },
++ [SchemeHighlight] = {"#f1fa8c", "#596377", "#3E485B"},
++ [SchemeHover] = {"#ffffff", "#353D4B", "#3E485B"},
++ [SchemeMid] = {"#A4ABAA", "#21222c", "#21222c"},
++ [SchemeGreen] = {"#ffffff", "#52E067", "#41b252"},
++ [SchemeRed] = {"#ffffff", "#e05252", "#c24343"},
++ [SchemeYellow] = {"#ffffff", "#e0c452", "#bca33f"},
++ [SchemeBlue] = {"#ffffff", "#5280e0", "#3a62b3"},
++ [SchemePurple] = {"#ffffff", "#9952e0", "#7439b0"},
+ };
+ /* -l option; if nonzero, dmenu uses vertical list with given number of lines */
+ static unsigned int lines = 0;
++static unsigned int lineheight = 0; /* -h option; minimum height of a menu line */
++static unsigned int min_lineheight = 8;
++static int sely = 0;
++static int commented = 0;
++static int animated = 0;
+ /*
+ * Characters not considered part of a word while deleting words
+ * for example: " /?\"&[]"
+diff --git a/dmenu.c b/dmenu.c
+index 65f25ce..f1bda1b 100644
+--- a/dmenu.c
++++ b/dmenu.c
+_AT_@ -26,7 +26,21 @@
+ #define TEXTW(X) (drw_fontset_getwidth(drw, (X)) + lrpad)
+ /* enums */
+-enum { SchemeNorm, SchemeSel, SchemeOut, SchemeLast }; /* color schemes */
++enum {
++ SchemeNorm,
++ SchemeFade,
++ SchemeHighlight,
++ SchemeHover,
++ SchemeSel,
++ SchemeOut,
++ SchemeMid,
++ SchemeGreen,
++ SchemeYellow,
++ SchemeBlue,
++ SchemePurple,
++ SchemeRed,
++ SchemeLast
++}; /* color schemes */
+ struct item {
+ char *text;
+_AT_@ -37,6 +51,9 @@ struct item {
+ static char text[BUFSIZ] = "";
+ static char *embed;
+ static int bh, mw, mh;
++static int dmx = 0; /* put dmenu at this x offset */
++static int dmy = 0; /* put dmenu at this y offset (measured from the bottom if topbar is 0) */
++static unsigned int dmw = 0; /* make dmenu this wide */
+ static int inputw = 0, promptw;
+ static int lrpad; /* sum of left and right padding */
+ static size_t cursor;
+_AT_@ -114,16 +131,119 @@ cistrstr(const char *s, const char *sub)
+ }
+ static int
+-drawitem(struct item *item, int x, int y, int w)
+- if (item == sel)
+- drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeSel]);
+- else if (item->out)
+- drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeOut]);
+- else
+- drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
+- return drw_text(drw, x, y, w, bh, lrpad / 2, item->text, 0);
++drawitem(struct item *item, int x, int y, int w) {
++ int iscomment = 0;
++ if (item->text[0] == '>') {
++ if (item->text[1] == '>') {
++ iscomment = 3;
++ switch (item->text[2]) {
++ case 'r':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeRed]);
++ break;
++ case 'g':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeGreen]);
++ break;
++ case 'y':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeYellow]);
++ break;
++ case 'b':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeBlue]);
++ break;
++ case 'p':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemePurple]);
++ break;
++ case 'h':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeHighlight]);
++ break;
++ case 's':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeSel]);
++ break;
++ default:
++ iscomment = 1;
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
++ iscomment = 1;
++ }
++ } else if (item->text[0] == ':') {
++ iscomment = 2;
++ if (item == sel) {
++ switch (item->text[1]) {
++ case 'r':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeRed]);
++ break;
++ case 'g':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeGreen]);
++ break;
++ case 'y':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeYellow]);
++ break;
++ case 'b':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeBlue]);
++ break;
++ case 'p':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemePurple]);
++ break;
++ case 'h':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeHighlight]);
++ break;
++ case 's':
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeSel]);
++ break;
++ default:
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeSel]);
++ iscomment = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (item == sel)
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeSel]);
++ else if (item->left == sel || item->right == sel)
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeMid]);
++ else if (item->out)
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeOut]);
++ else
++ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
++ }
++ int temppadding;
++ temppadding = 0;
++ if (iscomment == 2) {
++ if (item->text[2] == ' ') {
++ temppadding = drw->fonts->h * 3;
++ animated = 1;
++ char dest[1000];
++ strcpy(dest, item->text);
++ dest[6] = '++ drw_text(drw, x, y, temppadding, lineheight, temppadding / 2.6, dest + 3, 0);
++ iscomment = 6;
++ drw_setscheme(drw, sel == item ? scheme[SchemeHover] : scheme[SchemeNorm]);
++ }
++ }
++ char *output;
++ if (commented) {
++ static char onestr[2];
++ onestr[0] = item->text[0];
++ onestr[1] = '++ output = onestr;
++ } else {
++ output = item->text;
++ }
++ if (item == sel)
++ sely = y;
++ return drw_text(
++ drw, x + ((iscomment == 6) ? temppadding : 0), y,
++ commented ? bh : (w - ((iscomment == 6) ? temppadding : 0)), bh,
++ commented ? (bh - drw_fontset_getwidth(drw, (output))) / 2 : lrpad / 2,
++ output + iscomment, 0);
+ }
+ static void
+_AT_@ -131,7 +251,7 @@ drawmenu(void)
+ {
+ unsigned int curpos;
+ struct item *item;
+- int x = 0, y = 0, w;
++ int x = 0, y = 0, fh = drw->fonts->h, w;
+ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
+ drw_rect(drw, 0, 0, mw, mh, 1, 1);
+_AT_@ -148,7 +268,7 @@ drawmenu(void)
+ curpos = TEXTW(text) - TEXTW(&text[cursor]);
+ if ((curpos += lrpad / 2 - 1) < w) {
+ drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[SchemeNorm]);
+- drw_rect(drw, x + curpos, 2, 2, bh - 4, 1, 0);
++ drw_rect(drw, x + curpos, 2 + (bh - fh) / 2, 2, fh - 4, 1, 0);
+ }
+ if (lines > 0) {
+_AT_@ -609,6 +729,7 @@ setup(void)
+ /* calculate menu geometry */
+ bh = drw->fonts->h + 2;
++ bh = MAX(bh,lineheight); /* make a menu line AT LEAST 'lineheight' tall */
+ lines = MAX(lines, 0);
+ mh = (lines + 1) * bh;
+ #ifdef XINERAMA
+_AT_@ -637,9 +758,9 @@ setup(void)
+ if (INTERSECT(x, y, 1, 1, info[i]))
+ break;
+- x = info[i].x_org;
+- y = info[i].y_org + (topbar ? 0 : info[i].height - mh);
+- mw = info[i].width;
++ x = info[i].x_org + dmx;
++ y = info[i].y_org + (topbar ? dmy : info[i].height - mh - dmy);
++ mw = (dmw>0 ? dmw : info[i].width);
+ XFree(info);
+ } else
+ #endif
+_AT_@ -647,9 +768,9 @@ setup(void)
+ if (!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, parentwin, &wa))
+ die("could not get embedding window attributes: 0x%lx",
+ parentwin);
+- x = 0;
+- y = topbar ? 0 : wa.height - mh;
+- mw = wa.width;
++ x = dmx;
++ y = topbar ? dmy : wa.height - mh - dmy;
++ mw = (dmw>0 ? dmw : wa.width);
+ }
+ promptw = (prompt && *prompt) ? TEXTW(prompt) - lrpad / 4 : 0;
+ inputw = MIN(inputw, mw/3);
+_AT_@ -689,7 +810,8 @@ setup(void)
+ static void
+ usage(void)
+ {
+- fputs("usage: dmenu [-bfiv] [-l lines] [-p prompt] [-fn font] [-m monitor]
++ fputs("usage: dmenu [-bfiv] [-l lines] [-h height] [-p prompt] [-fn font] [-m monitor]
++ " [-x xoffset] [-y yoffset] [-z width]
+ " [-nb color] [-nf color] [-sb color] [-sf color] [-w windowid]
", stderr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+_AT_@ -717,6 +839,16 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ /* these options take one argument */
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) /* number of lines in vertical list */
+ lines = atoi(argv[++i]);
++ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) /* window x offset */
++ dmx = atoi(argv[++i]);
++ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-y")) /* window y offset (from bottom up if -b) */
++ dmy = atoi(argv[++i]);
++ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-z")) /* make dmenu this wide */
++ dmw = atoi(argv[++i]);
++ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { /* minimum height of one menu line */
++ lineheight = atoi(argv[++i]);
++ lineheight = MAX(lineheight, min_lineheight);
++ }
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m"))
+ mon = atoi(argv[++i]);
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")) /* adds prompt to left of input field */
+_AT_@ -752,6 +884,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ die("no fonts could be loaded.");
+ lrpad = drw->fonts->h;
++ if (lineheight == -1)
++ lineheight = drw->fonts->h * 2.5;
+ #ifdef __OpenBSD__
+ if (pledge("stdio rpath", NULL) == -1)
+ die("pledge");
diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.png b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0838b0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/emoji-highlight-5.0.png differ
diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/index.md b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba3aec17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/emoji-highlight/index.md
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This patch will allow for emojis on the left side with a colored background when selected.
+* [emoji-highlight-5.0.diff](emoji-highlight-5.0.diff)
+* Wayne Wesley <wayne6324_AT_gmail.com>
Received on Sat May 22 2021 - 20:05:04 CEST
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: Sat May 22 2021 - 20:12:43 CEST