[wmii] Need help with mailnotifier, I am confused

From: Niels Rasmussen <nielsrasmus_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:13:30 +0100

Hi all

I Have been fiddling around with WMII for the last few weeks and really
enjoying this approach to window management.

But it is obvious that there is a lack of proper documentation (the current
ones seems a little outdated) when it comes to extending the stausbar features.

I would like to have a mailnotifier in the statusbar but dont have a clue
about what to do :-/

It seems like the present one at suckless.org needs some plan9 features which
I dont have on my machine. I've seen some others but they dont match my
maildir setup (~/Mail).

And then again I've seen some ruby-wmii mailnotifiers and now I'm confused !!

My skills in bashscripts are rather limited right now (still learning) so
I hope someone on this list have a mailnotifier they would like to share.

all I want is a line in my stausbar showing *NEW MAIL* in red color when mail
appears in my mailbox, and checking it every 5 min.

I know that the script could be anything (ruby, perl .sh etc.) and should be
placed in my .wmii-3.5/ dir, but what should be placed in the echo line in
the statusbar section in my .wmiirc file ??

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Received on Mon Feb 25 2008 - 12:13:23 UTC

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