Re: [wmii] Is there a way to register a 'callback'?

From: hiro <>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 11:10:35 +0300

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 5:07 AM, Alex Kilgore <> wrote:
> I could be wrong about this, but If i recall correctly, this is because
> any window spawned from the same process opens on the same tag, this is
> ideal for most apps, firefox is one of them that it isn't, since any
> subsequent firefox windows are spawned from the same process unless you
> want to use a different profile, since the profile is locked when it is
> in use.
> I havent figured out a workaround for this issue, but what I did instead
> was, wrote a startup script for firefox to either run a new instance, or
> find a running instance and automatically bring it into focus and open a
> new tab. This may not be ideal either, but it is better than having to
> find the firefox instance myself.
> If anyone else knows a way to work around that issue, please share
> Alex
> firstname lastname wrote:
>> Using wmii-hg. When I open firefox in tag 1, then switch to tag 2 and
>> launch another firefox, it opens in tag 1, not tag2 as I desire. Is there a
>> way to fix this?

Of course there is a workaround, it's ugly, but the only way of doing
it without changing the code.
You just have to listen to window creation events. After getting one
of them you can put the window whereever you like in your scripts.
I think I described it in an other thread (keyword opera).
Received on Fri Sep 05 2008 - 08:10:35 UTC

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