Kurt H Maier wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Robert C Corsaro<rcorsaro_AT_optaros.com> wrote:
>> One problem I see in the US, is that people don't even vote to fulfill their
>> own needs. �That would be an improvement over what we have now. �When the US
>> elected Bush, was that to satisfy their own needs? �I would argue that he
>> only served the needs of a very small minority. �They voted against their
>> own best interest for emotional reasons.
> And what emotional reasons would those have been, when he was elected in 2000
I don't know. I only know that it wasn't to fulfill their needs. I
guess I should say physical needs, which, IMHO are the only ones that
should be considered when voting. If I had to guess I'd say he made
"red blooded americans" feel warm and fuzzy and seemed like a "good
christian". He also is a sort of bully, which "red blooded americans"
seem to like. Personally, I think the whole point of democracy is to
vote in your own best interest, so I always do. The court system is in
opposition to democracy and is meant to protect the individual from the
masses.(and is very important, I might add).
Received on Thu Jun 11 2009 - 14:22:53 UTC
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