On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 12:39:37 +0200
"Claudio M. Alessi" <smoppy_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 01:46:20PM +0800, Samuel Baldwin wrote:
> > Why can't people filter out messages with [OT] is the subject line?
> Why can't people just stay on-topic?
> To me, people should avoid OT posts, should use filters (since the
> list configuration can't satisfy all users, while personal filters
> do) and should just read the archives when they only read the list
> without never write something. The stfu rule suggested by Gottox is
> also fine, at this point.
> Regards,
> Claudio M. Alessi
I have a totally different POV on this whole matter.
Imho all the threads about these issues are very entertaining reading
material, so I hope the lists stay as they are :)
Received on Fri Jun 12 2009 - 11:10:44 UTC
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