On Oct 06, 2009 at 09:13 AM, "Swiat R. Gal" <sgal_AT_math.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
> If the policy of the Developers is that dwm should be configured through
> config.h (I am not arguing agains that) can one restart dwm on the fly
> after recompiling it?
Yes and it's also helpful to restart dwm on the fly *after* recompiling.
Here's how I do it:
$ cat ~/bin/startdwm
# A simple script to start dwm in a while loop which
# allows dwm to be killed without closing programs.
# Usage: killall dwm <-- restarts dwm
# killall startdwm <-- kills session
conky-cli | while read line; do
xsetroot -name "$line";
# log stderror to a file
done | while true; do dwm 2> ~/.dwm.err; done;
Now simply start dwm via startdwm (echo "exec startdwm" >> ~/.xinitrc)
To restart dwm on the fly press Mod+q, this will leave all of your applications
running and simply reinitialize dwm.
I also added a Mod+shift+q bind in config.h to kill startdwm, which closes
the X session in the traditional sense (relative bits below):
static const char *killsession[] = { "killall", "startdwm", NULL };
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, spawn, {.v = killsession } },
Received on Tue Oct 06 2009 - 16:57:56 UTC
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