Re: [dev] [surf] next release

From: Anselm R Garbe <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 13:59:30 +0100

2009/10/21 Peter John Hartman <>:
> (1) * removing urlbar/searchbar and using dmenu instead
> I'm not sure if this is so attractive, since dmenu does not support x paste
> (without a patch) and one always finds oneself (or at least I do) cutting
> and pasting into the searchbar.  The ultimate solution, it seems to me, is
> to have dmenu support x paste in vanilla.  This strikes me as superior to an
> "in-surf" solution (which uses GtkWhatever) for a number of reasons.
>        (a) It keeps the code simple (on the surf side that is; dmenu will
> need
>        to change).
>        (b) Other web-based activities (smart prefixes in particular)
>        could benefit from a dmenu + x paste.  For example, I have a
> script which runs dmenu after parsing my user
> input
>        from dmenu.  It would be nice to x paste into the dmenu rather than
>        typing out a given google search (e.g.  when one is searching
> someone's
>        odd name.)
>        (c) In general, I like the xprop interface and allowing applications
> other
>        than surf to interact with surf (which is what your new _SURF_FIND
> feature
>        allows--which is great--which is why we need dmenu to get patched!)

There is sselp(1) at which reads
current selection and prints it to stdout, hence enables you to
integrate it into dmenu's cache or calling surf `sselp` directly.
There shouldn't be a real need to paste something interactively into
surf or dmenu really.

Kind regards,
Received on Wed Oct 21 2009 - 12:59:30 UTC

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