Re: [dev] [DWM] suggestion for dwm

From: Don Harper <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 13:54:49 -0600

On Sun, Jan 03, 2010 at 07:28:08PM +0000, Rob wrote to To dev mail list:
> >and is not sticked on the desktops background like conky
> You can change config.h to sticky a client.

> I'm not at my box, but it's something like

> { "Trayer", NULL, NULL, ~0, True, -1 },

> ~0 is the binary not of 0, which means every tag, floating is "True".
> You set trayer's position by passing arguments to trayer, can't
> remember what exactly.

Thank you for that. I have been fighting with stalonetray for a while,
and this does 95% of what I was looking for.

Next question: is it possible to have the tag display ignore a client?
This rule sets it so when I switch to a tag, the stalonetray does not
grab focus, but it all of my tags are marked as having a client attached
because of it.

Thanks for the help, and the great software!


. Don Harper, RHCE         . A friend can tell you things you don't want to .
.        .           tell yourself. - Frances Ward Weller .
. .                                                .

Received on Sun Jan 03 2010 - 19:54:49 UTC

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