Well said.
> TAOUP also recommends small programs that do just one thing. If you
> have so many options that you need a "huge structure" to store them,
> that might be a sign that your program is overly complex. Consider
> factoring it into a set of smaller cooperating processes.
> Many people have become accustomed to thinking in terms of large,
> monolithic applications. This leads them to think of modularity as
> something that only applies to the functions within that kind of
> application.
> Instead, think of the *shell* as the main program and your set of small
> utilities as the modules. The classic Unix utility designed to do one
> thing and do it well is the paradigm example of what we mean by
> coherence. The operating system enforces encapsulation. When the
> modules communicate with each other using text streams over stdin and
> stdout, or using sockets and text-based protocols like those described
> in TAOUP, then they will be loosely coupled. These are the virtues
> which are usually associated with good "modularity".
> Take those rules of thumb like the ones you cite above and apply them to
> the programs themselves. A program that takes a lot of options is like
> a function that takes a lot of arguments.
Received on Sun Jan 24 2010 - 22:01:27 UTC
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