Hello Andreas,
your solution is almost working. The only thing that doesn't fit is
the length of the output. de/pl should only by two letters but in the
output there are a plenty of blanks before. I assume this happens
because the eight digits were substituted by only two letters?
Better understanding:
xxxxxxde where 'x' stands for a blank
Could that be corrected to use not so much space in the bar?
2010/5/27 Andreas Amann <amann_AT_physik.tu-berlin.de>:
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:49:59PM +0200, orschiro_AT_googlemail.com wrote:
>> Thanks for the hint Andreas. xset -q shows a difference between both
>> values. I tried to implement it into my statusbar but as I'm not
>> familiar with bash scripting it doesn't work. This is my trial:
>> #set statusbar
>> while true
>> do
>> #define keyboard layout
>> if [ "$(xset -q | grep "LED mask:" | awk '{ print $10 }')" ==
>> "00000000" ] ; then
>> kb = "de"
>> else
>> kb = "pl"
>> fi
>> if acpi -a | grep off-line > /dev/null; then
>> xsetroot -name "Bat. $( acpi -b | awk '{ print $4 " " $5 }' |
>> tr -d ',' ) | Vol. $(amixer get Master | tail -1 | awk '{ print $5}' |
>> tr -d '[]') | $kb | $(date +"%a, %b %d %R")"
>> else
>> xsetroot -name "Vol. $(amixer get Master | tail -1 | awk '{
>> print $5}' | tr -d '[]') | $kb | $(date +"%a, %b %d %R")"
>> fi
>> sleep 1s
>> done &
>> Could you help me out please?
> The following works for me:
> while xsetroot -name "$(xset -q|sed -ne "2 s/^.*00000000/uk/ p; 2
> s/^....*/de/ p") | $(date +"%a, %b %d %Y | %H:%M")"
> do
> sleep 2s
> done &
> Andreas
Received on Thu May 27 2010 - 13:25:32 UTC
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