Re: [dev] merp is a loneliness mitigation device written in python and Tk

From: Ethan Grammatikidis <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 23:58:14 +0100

On 13 Jul 2010, at 22:15, hiro wrote:

> Huh?
> What menu are you talking about? I don't use a menu for copying and
> pasting.
> What window manager are you using to get into full-screen mode?

middle-button menu in shell or brutus. if there's another way to copy
and paste in inferno i would LOVE to know about it.

Ignore the full-screen issue, a bit of playing around after I mailed
revealed that while I can't move or minimize Inferno's window after
full-screening it, I can actually get at everything I need, so no big
deal there.

> On 7/13/10, Ethan Grammatikidis <> wrote:
>> On 13 Jul 2010, at 18:33, Uriel wrote:
>>> The ircfs site t is up now:
>>> ircfs is great, and its gui is great too, and mjl is a great hacker.
>> I have some trouble taking any Inferno GUI seriously when its
>> clipboard won't communicate with the host. The only means of cutting,
>> copying, or pasting is a menu, which I shouldn't need to say is far
>> worse than key-bindings. No way to copy from some apps (e.g. wm/man)
>> is another nasty. That said, plumbing URLs could be nice. It saves
>> coding link detection into the client, at least.
>> Also, after putting Inferno into full-screen mode, how do you get it
>> out?
>>> And does the world really need yet another python irc client? And
>>> I'm
>>> not sure what makes merp particularly 'suckless' (whatever anything
>>> written in Python can be 'suckless' is very questionable).
>>> But I do praise the choice of Tk for the gui.
>>> uriel
>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:24 PM, hiro <> wrote:
>>>> The old wmii community probably knows that one well enough, but for
>>>> all the others I'd like to promote ircfs from Mechiel Lukkien. It
>>>> runs
>>>> on inferno and includes a 9p server and tk client.
>>>> Sadly his site is currently down, but here's a paper from him:
Received on Wed Jul 14 2010 - 00:58:14 CEST

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