Its a old problem, try using a wmii-9999.ebuild but check the changelog for
changes in /rules
2010/9/1 Piotr Zalewa <>
> After I run wmiirc (Mod+a wmiirc) running some actions multiplies -
> Mod+Enter opens many terminal windows (the number I run wmiirc + 1).
> It's the same with moving windows to other views - it moves as many
> windows as wmiirc are run + 1
> it is behaving like that even if I remove the wmiirc_local
> OS: Linux neverland 2.6.32-gentoo-r7
> wmii version: wmii-3.9.2, ©2010 Kris Maglione
> ps aux | grep wmii after few miirc runs:
> Please help
> zalun
> --
> blog
> jobs
> twit
> face
-- Graduando em Ciências Biológicas. Centro Universitário do Leste de Minas Gerais, UNILESTEMG, Brasil. Currículo: on Wed Sep 01 2010 - 17:51:14 CEST
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