Re: [dev] dmenu patch to return all matching items (for a new dmenu-powered music player interface)

From: Peter John Hartman <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 19:12:05 -0500

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 06:59:03PM -0500, TJ Robotham wrote:

> Meh, I can't really think of a particularly compelling reason to put config.h
> back in, but from the perspective of someone who was using it, its removal
> feels strange and arbitrary and a bit like someone insisting that I get out of
> bed at some early hour on a weekend.

The only argument I have is that it "fits" more with how suckless software
does things. Couple this with the fact that having it isn't any more bloat
than not having it, and I'd think we ought to have it. Two minor arguments.

1. At the moment, keybindings are defined in dmenu.c and so if one wants
to change keybindings, then one has to fiddle with that. All other suckless
apps put the keybindings in config.h (afaik).

2. Future config options that don't fit easily as arguments would also go in
config.h. Depending on how this filter thing filters out (ha. ha.) it could
also plausibly go there.


sic dicit magister P
PhD Candidate
Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
University of Toronto
Received on Fri Nov 12 2010 - 01:12:05 CET

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