[dev] [svkbd] Touchtyping made easier.

From: Christoph Lohmann <20h_AT_r-36.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:00:55 +0100

Hello comrades,

attached is some strange form of mercurial communication patch
bomb, which they call a »bundle«. This one includes 15 change-
sets, which will increase your svkbd experience.

* The basic window variables wh, ww, wx and wy are exported to
   the configuration file.
* Layouts now reside in the »layouts» directory. You can simply
   do »make clean; LAYOUT=de make« and it will compile the now
   included German layout.
* Rectangle drawing has been fixed. Now the rectanges are com-
   pletely drawn.
* There are now commandline options for setting the basic win-
   dow variables on the commandline. This is useful, when the
   basic layout is set to be at the bottom, but the keyboard
   should be above your dwm status bar.
* I have added the arrow layout, which was proposed some time
   ago on the mailinglist.

More ideas:
* Svkbd should have a rectangle (key), which will move svkbd,
   when it is pressed and held. That rectangle could be used
   for minimizing it somehow to a small one row line, which
   will maxime it again, when you press it. There should be
   a key for quitting it too.
* In wide screen mode decrease the client space, when svkbd is
   open. (Solely a dwm change.)

For the moving I would need some X11 guy. I am not enough into
X11 by now, for preparing a fast patch. Help is welcome.


Christoph Lohmann

Received on Thu Mar 24 2011 - 20:00:55 CET

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