On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:20 PM, errno <errno_AT_cox.net> wrote:
> No doubt - I'm actually having fun. It's amazing just how easy
> it is to be a total flagrant asshole to someone remotely over
> the internet.
> It's too bad Kurt can dish it out but can't take it; it appears I hurt
> his feelings. I expected as much though. What a social coward.
Sorry, trolling services are placed into 'maintenance mode' during
periods of commuting, having dinner, hanging out with my family, and
sleeping. If you feel your service level agreement has been violated,
please submit a ticket with our support team and we'll review your
-- # Kurt H MaierReceived on Fri May 06 2011 - 04:28:56 CEST
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