Re: [dev] Suckless Smartphone?

From: hiro <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 19:08:13 +0200

The "best" "smart" phones maintain 24/7 connections to icq, msn,
yahoo, irc, google mail, exchange, facebook, twitter and regularly
download all subscribed rss feeds and podcasts to always keep you "up
to date".
An ARM can be quite efficient, but as you might guess it doesn't
*generate* power.
And all the "usability" comes with a price, too. You can decide
between Java, .Net and HTML5+java script IIRC.
My smartphone is an xperia x1 with windows mobile 6.5. I only use two
"apps": opera and google maps.
What's so great about it? Really Cheap, good battery, high-resolution
screen, hardware keyboard, working push-mail and it's still working.
I only buy new mobiles when my old one breaks.
Received on Sun Jun 05 2011 - 19:08:13 CEST

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