Re: [dev] Experimental editor

From: markus schnalke <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 11:07:44 +0200

[2011-06-15 14:47] Connor Lane Smith <>
> On 15 June 2011 12:26, markus schnalke <> wrote:
>> What's the difference between a mode and a ``quasimode''?
> What's the difference between shift and caps lock?

I disagree with this analogy. Shift is no quasimode.

In vi, you enter insert mode, which you consider a real mode, with `i'
and leave it with Escape. Likewise you enter ex mode (i.e. last-line
mode), which you consider a quasimode, with `:' and leave it with
Enter. It surely isn't a mode you stay long in, but there is no reason
why it shouldn't be seen as a real mode. You understand my point of

> I want there to be just a collection of buffers, and typing
> into command buffer is what gives you `command mode', sam style. We
> always use the same keys, because all we're doing is editing text, so
> it becomes muscle memory.

Now draw the analogy between selecting one or the other buffer with
with mouse to hitting some mode switching key. For me that's the same.

You do want modes ... you simply don't want to call them ``modes''.

> This. I want keys to always mean the same thing.

I'd say that the meaning of `f' isn't the same as the meaning of `f'
if you hold Ctrl at the same time. Where's the difference if you alter
the meaning of a key with a modifier key or with a mode? Okay, the
former modification drops as soon as you release the key.

> Too often they don't,
> and you end up not knowing what on Earth is happening. With this
> approach, all you need to keep in mind is where your cursor is.

Maybe you haven't used vi as it was meant to be used: You're always in
normal mode (hence the name). Switching to other modes is only a
temporary thing.

If you wanna know where you are: Hit Escape!

Received on Fri Jun 17 2011 - 11:07:44 CEST

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