>> http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6758/201107281723071280x800s.png
> Wow, nice color scheme! Would you mind sharing it? And how did you
> make your terminals (and wmii's client borders) translucent? O_o
Thanks! :)) No problem:
WMII_FONT='xft:Liberation Mono:size=8:style=Regular'
WMII_NORMCOLORS='#555555 #222222 #000000'
WMII_FOCUSCOLORS='#ffffff #777777 #555555'
Full config: https://gist.github.com/1115329
Shades and transparency is made with xcompmgr:
It's available from packages in most of GNU/Linux
distros. Here's how I start it from .xinitrc:
xcompmgr -cCfF -r4 -o.25 -l-6 -t-5 -D2 &
And to start xterm semi-transparent by default I
use devilspie with following instructions:
( if
( or
( matches ( window_class ) "Gvim" )
( matches ( window_class ) "XTerm" )
( begin
( spawn_async ( str "transset-df -i" ( window_xid ) " 0.85" ) )
-- Sincerely yours, Aleksey V. Zapparov A.K.A. ixti FSF Member #7118 Mobile Phone: +34 617 179 344 Homepage: http://www.ixti.ru JID: zapparov_AT_jabber.ru *Origin: Happy Hacking!Received on Sat Jul 30 2011 - 10:37:08 CEST
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